2012 -2016
During my two terms as President, my plan was to continue the momentum set by past NMAC leaders, using both collaboration and innovation to strengthen our existing programs, create and develop a signature program, strategically increase our fundraising efforts, and transform our surrounding community as we moved toward our Centennial celebration. With a devoted and hard-working executive board by my side, I was able to focus on the following:
Centennial Founders Day Celebration: On February 2, 2013, we hosted the largest New York Metropolitan Founders Day Luncheon to date, with over 700 sorors in attendance at the Hilton New York. The Legacy of First video was conceived and debuted for the first time during the luncheon and is now being used by National Headquarters. The chapter also played a very integral part in the Sorority's appearances on The Today Show (NBC) and Good Morning America (ABC) on January 10, 2013, as well as being one of the 22 stops on the Centennial Torch Tour in June 2013. During our centennial year and the three years following, we took the lead on the sold out NY Metropolitan Founders Day fellowship, bringing together over 1000 sorors and friends to celebrate.
Membership: The chapter's membership increased by 70% going from just under 150 sorors to well over 250. We made the decision to add to the NMAC family and welcomed the 46 new initiates of I.N.F.I.N.I.T.U.M. 46 on April 26, 2014. We continued to promote reclamation and retention with New Member Orientation, the revision of the NMAC Soror Directory, our NMAC Sisterhood Retreat in the Spring of 2015 and our 35th Anniversary celebration in December 2015.
Strategic Partnerships & Effective Programming:
Continued our partnership with the federally funded Children's Village and the Psi Lambda Lambda Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. to present our annual Health Fair and Back-to-School backpack giveaway, where we were able to give school supplies and provide health screenings for the residents of the Polo Grounds and Harlem River housing developments. Partnered with the COOLKids organization to co-host a Christmas Party for the children of the Polo Grounds and Harlem River housing developments. Formally introduced the International Awareness & Involvement Committee as a standing committee so that we could continue to build strong global connections with programs like World AIDS Day, our International Conversation series on Human Rights and Human Trafficking, Books for Africa, and solar-powered lanterns. Created monthly senior programming with the residents of the Prince Hall Senior Housing Community. NMAC's signature program, the NMAC Senior Prom was started in June 2014, a themed day party for the senior community in Harlem.
Fundraising & Scholarship: As we embarked on a new century in Delta, we courageously tried new ventures in an effort to keep sorors engaged and increase our fundraising efforts, starting with fundraisers like Sorors Who Brunch, the NMAC Masquerade Party & Male Auction, our Scholarship Brunch & Day Party, our first ever NMAC Gospel Concert, featuring award-winning gospel artist Tasha Cobb, and the inaugural Inspi(RED) Holiday Party. The success of these events allowed us to increase the amount of our scholarship awards, supporting young women as they pursued their academic dreams.
Leadership Development: Under the direction of our National Leadership, we implemented the Project LEAD Mentoring Program, designed to enhance sorors' personal, professional, and Delta leadership confidence and skills through a mentor/mentee relationship.
We continued to raise the chapter's profile locally, regionally, and nationally all while internally strengthening our bonds. As a result of these efforts, North Manhattan Alumnae was presented with a Community Service Award in 2012 from the Adelphic Lodge, Prince Hall Masons, and the NYC Pan-Hellenic Council Chapter of The Year Award in 2016. We remain committed to the residents and the needs of our service area and continued to deliver impactful programming as we passed the torch to the next administration.